Canine Bowen Therapy
Canine Bowen Therapy is not massage but rather a technique which aims to stretch the soft tissues of the dog's body - skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments and the connective tissue called fascia.
This unique therapy can help accelerate healing and recovery with only a few precise “moves”. It works with the autonomic nervous system and helps detoxify the body by putting it in rest and repair mode. When performed on specific points, each Bowen move activates the nerve cells, which send a message to the brain. The brain receives the signal, processes it, then responds back, asking the body to re-balance itself.
Bowen is a holistic therapy – it’s not meant to isolate a specific ailment, symptom or condition, but factors in the body as a whole. Animal Bowen Therapy takes into account the dog’s lifestyle, emotional state and overall well-being. By observing the dog’s movement, physical symptoms and imbalances, a practitioner can tap into his blueprint and reset his body to heal itself.
Initial Consultation + First Session
$30 + $55The first session includes learning the medical history of your pet and formulating a treatment plan and approach for the therapy.
Subsequent Session Price
30 mins session - $55Transport Fee
$25 to $35 depending on the location of where your pet is staying.
Canine Bowen Therapist
Zoe Gan - certified Canine Bowen Therapist since Sept 2021